The Zen of Glass Shard Painting

The new book by Dr. Eleanor Ruth Fisher

The Beauty of Exploration

Exploration is the dance of humanity with the unknown. It’s a journey that transcends geographical boundaries, pushing the limits of both body and mind. From the vast expanse of the cosmos to the intricate depths of the human soul, exploration is the beacon that guides us through the mysteries of existence.

At its core, exploration is about curiosity-the insatiable desire to uncover the hidden truths of the universe. It’s the driving force behind our greatest achievements, propelling us to chart uncharted territories and conquer unattainable goals. Whether it’s scaling towering mountains, diving into the darkest depths of the ocean, or venturing into the uncharted realms of outer space, exploration fuels our thirst for knowledge and discovery.

But exploration is not just about physical journeys; it’s also a journey of the mind and spirit. It’s about delving into the depths of our imagination, challenging the boundaries of what is possible, and daring to dream of a better tomorrow. It’s about embracing the unknown with open arms, finding beauty in the unfamiliar, and learning from the diverse tapestry of cultures and experiences that make up our world.

In the face of adversity and uncertainty, exploration serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us of our resilience and our capacity for greatness. It teaches us to embrace failure as a stepping stone to success, to confront our fears head-on, and to never lose sight of the wonders that await us just beyond the horizon.

Ultimately, exploration is about the journey rather than the destination. It’s about the moments of awe and wonder that ignite our souls and inspire us to keep pushing forward, even when the path ahead seems daunting. It’s about the connections we forge along the way, the stories we share, and the memories we create that remind us of our shared humanity.

So, let us continue to explore-to seek out new adventures, to challenge the status quo, and to unlock the infinite potential that lies within each and every one of us. For in the end, it is not the destination that defines us, but the journey we take to get there.


In 2024, Eleanor won the People’s Choice Award in Mixed Media at the Marblehead Festival of Arts. She also won the hat contest at the festival’s Champagne Reception. 

Dreams and Direction

“My dreams have always been vivid, lucid, and colorful. While dreaming, I was told by the many masters, whose work I studied and learned from, that I was ready to ‘paint with glass.’ Their directions were, ‘smash glass and we’ll guide you. You are ready to paint with glass. You have learned enough from us.’ That was my introduction to painting with glass.

“Next, I looked around my home at my paintings, wondering which one would be my first. The long one in my foyer, 3×5 feet with a spiritual motif and three levels, said, ‘Paint me, I’m the first.’

“I did not hesitate. I brought it up to my studio, set it up on my easel, and began working on the long flight of stairs. The picture contained portals to other realms, and seemed to make itself. I used some of my old jewelry, and various elements from the garden and the beach. I called that painting ‘Meditation.’ It represents the place in which I live as I thank my guides for their directions.”

Art is a profoundly spiritual act, requiring the artist’s willingness to be vulnerable, open, and honest. It is an invitation to come inside the artist’s world to see, hear, or touch what would otherwise remain hidden away if not for the artist’s willingness to risk being misunderstood or even ridiculed.